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Our consulting framework

Behavioral Design

When working with Behavioral Design we use the Hooked framework proposed by Nir Eyal in his besteselling book "Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products". In addition to reading the book a time or three, your consultant will also have completed the Hooked Workshop by Nir Eyal. (Completed May 2021).

We also use insights from B. J. Fogg and his Fogg Behavior Model and we often add Lean Startup-, Pretotyping- and Business Model Canvas-principles into the mix.

Design Sprints

When working with Design Sprints we use elements from Jake Knapp et. al's 5-day sprint process (Design Sprint 1.0), AJ & Smart's compressed Design Sprint 2.0 process and Design Sprint Academy's 3.0 process, along with IDEO's Human-centered Design Kit.


Your consultant completed sprint training with AJ & Smart and Jake Knapp during the summer of 2021, (Diploma), and the Alberto Savoia-endorsed Pretotyping-course by Exponentially, autumn 2021. (Diploma).

Exactly what elements we include and exclude from your specific workshop depends on the scope and focus of your workshop.


As with our bevhavioral design consulting, we often add Lean Startup-, Pretotyping- and Business Model Canvas-principles into the mix as we find these naturally related to the sprint process.


Your consultant completed Steve Blank's classic Udacity course "How to Build a Startup" (adapted version of the Lean Launchpad) august 2021.


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